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Android Utility Tool V115 - Dongle Edition (Version Latest )

ALL Android Utility v115  A Tool for Flashing Firmware, Bypass DAA and SLA Auth, and Unlocking Android Devices

all Android Utility v115 is a powerful tool that can be used to flash firmware, bypass Digital Authentication Authority (DAA) and Software Licensing Authentication (SLA) on Android devices, and unlock the device. It is a free program that makes it easy for advanced users to bypass secure boot protection on their MediaTek phone. unlock tool free download,

Download Link

How To Use?

  1. First, you need to download the zip file from the below link
  2. Next, you can unzip all files at c: drive (important)
  3. Ensure you have disabled the antivirus before running the installation
  4. Next, open the folder and install the setup file with some basic instruction
  5. Run the "AndroidUtility.exe"
  6. Next, you can install all drivers if you already installed skip this step
  7. Connect the phone and try to do any function
  8. Enjoy !!!


⦿ added Samsung A03S [A037F] Clear RPMB via preloader mode
⦿ added Samsung A03S [A037F] Write RPMB via preloader mode (you can use this option to change Knox guard status from (01) to (11) - you will need some extra tricks, figure it out).
⦿ added VIVO Qualcomm WRITE protected devices (RESET/WRITE) EFS (bypass via FH poke exploit).
⦿ added OPPO Qualcomm READ protected devices (RESET/WRITE) EFS  (bypass via fw_upate FH loader, write via patch - raw progress xml + fw update firehose required).
⦿ Qualcomm restore (EFS/NV) option, now can work on other partitions as well - (boot, recovery, modem, etc.) - compress any partition, and you can restore as NV.
⦿ Improved Samsung Activate ADB via MTP Android 13 (it works till June Patch LEVEL (01.06.2023) - need to repeat the operation (2,3,5) times), we're working on (July+) updates but not yet ready.
⦿ Improved Ext4 FS Explorer engine (now you can modify SUPER IMG directly without unpack and repack - SUPER IMG read from the device, not the one from factory firmware images).
⦿ Fixed Smart card connection (the software was a little bit slow while checking for smart cards. Now it works faster).
⦿ Android Utility v115 No Smart Card edition will be ready in a few days.


⦿ This software was made for educational purposes only!
We allow the use of it under certain circumstances, and it's provided 'as-is', 
without any express or implied warranty,
in no event will the authors be held liable for any damages arising from the use of this software.
⦿ Please only use it for legal servicing and maintenance of mobile phones, 
and must not be used for illegal purposes.
⦿ USE it at your own risk.

Main Features

  • Dump EXT_CSD (Meta): Allows you to dump the EXT_CSD of your device.
  • Disable Payjoy App (ADB): Allows you to disable the Payjoy app on your device.
  • Extract OFP (MTK + Qualcomm): Allows you to extract the OFP from your device.
  • PGPT to Scatter: Allows you to convert the PGPT to scatter format.
  • Read NVRAM (Meta): Allows you to read the NVRAM of your device.
  • Extract Samsung ROM (MTK): Allows you to extract the Samsung ROM from your device.
  • Scatter to PGPT: Allows you to convert the scatter to PGPT format.
  • Write NVRAM (Meta): Allows you to write to the NVRAM of your device.
  • Extract Huawei Update (MTK): Allows you to extract the Huawei update from your device.
  • EMMC Health Check (Meta): Allows you to check the health of the EMMC on your device.
  • Wipe NVRAM (Meta): Allows you to wipe the NVRAM of your device.
  • Unlock Network (Meta): Allows you to unlock your device’s network.
  • Extract RedMagic (Payload.bin): Allows you to extract the RedMagic from your device.
  • GEN FRP Reset PKG (Meta): Allows you to generate the FRP
  • Disable Auth: This allows you to bypass the DAA/SLA lock on your device.
  • Read ADB Info: Allows you to read information about your device using ADB.
  • Dump Preloader: This allows you to dump the preloader of your device.
  • Read Fastboot Info: Allows you to read information about your device using Fastboot.
  • Read Part (Meta): Allows you to read the partition of your device.
  • Analyze Preloader: Allows you to analyze the preloader of your device.
  • Format Part (Meta): Allows you to format the partition of your device.
  • Analyze MTK DA: Allows you to analyze the MTK DA on your device.
  • Reboot Meta: Allows you to reboot your device in Meta mode.
  • Write Part (Meta): Allows you to write to the partition of your device.
  • Crash Preloader Brom: Allows you to crash the preloader of your device.
  • Reboot Factory Mode: Allows you to reboot your device in factory mode.
  • Dump NV Regions (Meta): Allows you to dump the NV regions of your device.
  • FRL-L22 Y9A DL to Brom: Allows you to switch your device to Brom mode.
  • Reboot AT Mode: Allows you to reboot your device in AT mode.
  • Dump Userarea (Meta): Allows you to dump the user area of your device.
  • Vivo Demo Remove (AT): Allows you to remove the demo version of Vivo devices.
  • Reboot Fastboot: Allows you to reboot your device in fastboot mode.
  • Dump PGPT (Meta): Allows you to dump the PGPT of your device.
  • Extract Super IMG: Allows you to extract the Super IMG from your device.

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